Sunday, July 29, 2007

Leonard 4: Round 3

We've got just one more existing house to visit! Last round, Destiny Geller and Ben Leonard moved into their new home right across the street from their siblings. Destiny persued her dream of fortune, while Ben yearned to start a large family like the one he came from. The couple adopted a puppy named Rusty, who soon grew into a healthy adult dog. Near the end of the week, Ben's dream started to come true with the birth of Peter, who grew to a toddler before the week was up.

Ben: So how about all this "weather" stuff...

Destiny: I know, it's crazy! All of a sudden stuff started falling from the sky!

Ben: But you know, it kind of puts me in the mood for...

For what? A cup of cocoa?

Hey, the mysterious voice is still here!!

Ben: Rusty, relax! I'm just going to put Peter in his crib!

It's good that the dog is so protective of Peter.

Ok, who knows where this is going...

Oh, look! Logan came home with Destiny from work. It's a twin reunion!

What a little cutie...

Destiny: Come on,'s a very special day!


Oh, it's his birthday!!!

Ben: Come on, Peter...blow out the candles!

What a handsome young man!

And I think his shirt is a prediction of things to come!

As I was saying....

But she's still not too tired to play with Rusty!

Destiny: How could you resist him...

Destiny: Whew! We finally got him housebroken!

That's a good thing-those puddles were very unhealthy for Peter.

Ben: Mysterious voice?

It's called rain, Ben.

Ben: But it's rocks!!

What? Oh, ok. Then it's called hail.

I see Peter's got his very first homework assignment!

Ben: Tomorrow night you're putting your homework on your desk, where it belongs!

What a good son, cleaning the shower without being asked.

Peter: I don't like it when things are dirty.

Destiny: Mysterious voice!!!

Oh, boy! It's time!

Ben: I'm going to the bathroom...

Ben, get back here! Your wife's in labor!

Well I see Ben made it back from the bathroom...

Ben: It's a boy!

Yup, we've hit the boy spurt! What's his name?

Destiny: Stewie.

Hmmm...Stewie Leonard. Nice.

What a cute nursery!

Destiny: Thanks. We were going to put him into the room with Peter, but we'll wait until they're older.

Peter: Hi, Dad!

Ben: Hey, there Peter!

I see we've broken out the outerwear.

And Uncle Logan came over again!

Logan: I had to see my new nephew!

The house sure is quiet with Ben at work and Peter at school.

Destiny: It's actually quite nice.

Oh, Peter's home. Quiet time over!

Peter: Yeah!! All right! I got an A+!!!

Great job!!!

Wow, this is a big day for everyone!

Another little cutie, I see.

Destiny: Come to Mommy, Stewie.

Stewie: I already got potty trained...leave me alone!

I see Destiny didn't let up.

Meanwhile, Peter's hard at work on his skill points. Good job, Peter!

And I see Stewie's bonding with the dog.

Ben: Say Daddy...

Stewie: No!!!!

Well, he seems to have mastered that word.

Ben: Ok, that's enough for today.

Good job knowing when to quit, Ben.

Stewie: Mommy! Mommy!

I see that talking thing finally happened.

Peter, stop that! Go back to skill building.

Well, we're coming to the end of the week, which brings us to the end of the existing houses! But, round 3 isn't quite over yet, because we have four teenagers just itching to go off to Sim State!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Leonard 3: Round 3

When we last visited the third branch of the Leonard family, Julia Geller and Logan Leonard began their lives together after college. Being a pleasure Sim, Julia begrudgingly got into a career other than slacker while Logan, being a popularity Sim, continued to work on his friendships. Julia soon became pregnant, and gave birth to a baby girl named Kristin. At the end of the week, Kristin grew into one of the cutest toddlers in town.

See what I mean?

Logan: Kristin, get the doll out of your mouth!!!

Ok, she's cute but she's not too bright...

Logan: How did you get out of your crib?

You're the one who taught her to walk. You should know.

Wow, time sure goes by fast. It's Kristin's birthday already!!

And she's just as pretty as a kid!

Kristin: Thanks, mysterious voice!

All ready for her first day of school...

Logan: Yup. Just trying to get her fun up as high as possible before she goes.

So how'd you do?

Kristin: Ok, I guess.

Don't worry about that report card. It'll get better.

Kristin: Mom, will you help me with my homework?

Julia: Sure.

Don't you think you should get dressed first? Oh, why do I bother.

And I see Kristin is a little dancer.

Kristin: That homework was really boring!

Is swimming in the middle of the night, in the middle of fall, a good idea?

Logan: What? The pool is heated, and it helps her build body skill.

Um, Logan? There's a woman here holding a baby...

And now she's handing that baby to your wife.

Julia: Meet our new daughter, Jennifer.

Were you guys having problems having a second baby?

Julia: No, we just decided to adopt.

And you didn't think to run this by the mysterious voice?

Julia: .....

What a cute family. And I see the new baby isn't disturbing Kristin's routine at all.

Kristin: Yes!!!


Kristin: Mom, mom! I got an A+!!!

Oh! Great job, Kristin!

And now it's time for another birthday!!

My, doesn't she look...interesting.

Logan: What do you mean by that?

Nothing, nothing.

Kristin seems to be a great big sister.

Julia: She sure is. Sometimes I forget that Jennifer's adopted.

Sure you do.

Logan: Come to Daddy, Jennifer!

Not wasting any time, I see...

And right onto potty training. You guys must be getting tired...

Like I was saying...

Logan: And she's not even the one teaching her sister.

Julia: Maybe Jennifer would look better with a different hairstyle...

Logan: It's worth a try.

Well, that is a little better, I guess.

Kristin: Look, Mom! Over there!

Oh, I see Kristin's got some spunk in her.

Logan: This never ends...

Yes, but unfortunately my week with you has. I'll see you guys next round! Now I've got to go check in with your and Julia's twins.