Moving on with our new houses, we now join Autumn Larson and Jim Greene at their new home.

Hi, guys!
Jim: Hey, mysterious voice!
How's it going?

Jim: Well, other than the wolf eating our chair...
Autumn: Well who let him in, Jim?
Isn't it about time for a wedding?

A night wedding, I see.
Autumn: Well, we both had to work during the day.

Nice outfit choice, Jim. Going for an Eastern feel?

Autumn: Come on, Jim! It's honeymoon time!

Back already?
Autumn: That was so much fun!

Wow, pregnancy and a new hairstyle.
Autumn: It was time for a change.
I guess so.

Jim: So did you hear about your sister becoming "The Law?"
Autumn: Yeah, it's crazy.

Autumn: Whoa...
It's any minute now!

Jimmy: Hey, your name is Jim? Me too!
Oh, this is going to get confusing.

Here we go again! Another bathroom birth.

Autumn: It's a boy!
Another boy...looks like the class of round 7 is going to be rather boy-heavy.

Autumn: Hang on a second...
Of course.

Autumn: We've got a girl too!
Great! What are their names?
Autumn: The boy's name is Kevin, and the girl's is Merideth.
Sticking with Jim's theme, I see.

Autumn: Awww...
It's ok. You tried.

Autumn:'s ok...don't cry, you'll wake up your sister...

Too late.
Jim: Thankfully we both have the day off.

Baby care is really getting to you, huh?
Jim: What do you mean?
You're talking to a plant about recycling.

Autumn: Oh, my...
Autumn, it's your infant son getting his diaper changed.

Happy birthday babies!
Autumn: Not a moment too soon!

Apparently the Larson girls pass on their blonde hair.

Wow, both twins got recessive hair. Don't see that every day.

Jim: Come on, come to Daddy...
Not wasting a moment, I see.

Merideth: Mama!
Autumn: Wow, good job honey!
Well, they're smart.

Autumn: Come on, onto walking now!
Man, you guys don't let up.

Jim: Say "Bear"
Kevin: No!!!!!
Once the smart milk wears off the attitude changes, I see.

Autumn: Stupid neighbors knocking over our garbage. Don't they know we've got toddlers to train?

Hey, it's Jim's uncle Corey!
Corey: I have an extra education bookcase-I thought you guys should have it for the twins. I want my great-nephew and niece to have a good start.
Well, that solves that problem. The education track hasn't come up all week.

A new hairstyle for Merideth, I see. And she's certainly her father's daughter.

And Kevin's got blue eyes. And look, he actually got gender-appropriate pajamas!

Last skill down!
Autumn: Jim, Kevin's done! Can you get Merideth now?

Jim: That's it, honey. Go potty like a big we can be done with this.
Nice motivational skills.

Jim: I just finished fixing the shower and now the sink breaks...
You know, I think this would be a good point for me to make my exit.
Jim: You're not going to help me clean the puddles?
Jim: (sigh) Alright, see you next week.
A Message From The Mysterious Voice: More twins. Just what this town needed. The end of round 5 is so close I can feel it!

Hi, guys!
Jim: Hey, mysterious voice!
How's it going?

Jim: Well, other than the wolf eating our chair...
Autumn: Well who let him in, Jim?
Isn't it about time for a wedding?

A night wedding, I see.
Autumn: Well, we both had to work during the day.

Nice outfit choice, Jim. Going for an Eastern feel?

Autumn: Come on, Jim! It's honeymoon time!

Back already?
Autumn: That was so much fun!

Wow, pregnancy and a new hairstyle.
Autumn: It was time for a change.
I guess so.

Jim: So did you hear about your sister becoming "The Law?"
Autumn: Yeah, it's crazy.

Autumn: Whoa...
It's any minute now!

Jimmy: Hey, your name is Jim? Me too!
Oh, this is going to get confusing.

Here we go again! Another bathroom birth.

Autumn: It's a boy!
Another boy...looks like the class of round 7 is going to be rather boy-heavy.

Autumn: Hang on a second...
Of course.

Autumn: We've got a girl too!
Great! What are their names?
Autumn: The boy's name is Kevin, and the girl's is Merideth.
Sticking with Jim's theme, I see.

Autumn: Awww...
It's ok. You tried.

Autumn:'s ok...don't cry, you'll wake up your sister...

Too late.
Jim: Thankfully we both have the day off.

Baby care is really getting to you, huh?
Jim: What do you mean?
You're talking to a plant about recycling.

Autumn: Oh, my...
Autumn, it's your infant son getting his diaper changed.

Happy birthday babies!
Autumn: Not a moment too soon!

Apparently the Larson girls pass on their blonde hair.

Wow, both twins got recessive hair. Don't see that every day.

Jim: Come on, come to Daddy...
Not wasting a moment, I see.

Merideth: Mama!
Autumn: Wow, good job honey!
Well, they're smart.

Autumn: Come on, onto walking now!
Man, you guys don't let up.

Jim: Say "Bear"
Kevin: No!!!!!
Once the smart milk wears off the attitude changes, I see.

Autumn: Stupid neighbors knocking over our garbage. Don't they know we've got toddlers to train?

Hey, it's Jim's uncle Corey!
Corey: I have an extra education bookcase-I thought you guys should have it for the twins. I want my great-nephew and niece to have a good start.
Well, that solves that problem. The education track hasn't come up all week.

A new hairstyle for Merideth, I see. And she's certainly her father's daughter.

And Kevin's got blue eyes. And look, he actually got gender-appropriate pajamas!

Last skill down!
Autumn: Jim, Kevin's done! Can you get Merideth now?

Jim: That's it, honey. Go potty like a big we can be done with this.
Nice motivational skills.

Jim: I just finished fixing the shower and now the sink breaks...
You know, I think this would be a good point for me to make my exit.
Jim: You're not going to help me clean the puddles?
Jim: (sigh) Alright, see you next week.
A Message From The Mysterious Voice: More twins. Just what this town needed. The end of round 5 is so close I can feel it!
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