Last round, Alexis Larson and Austin Richardson celebrated their wedding after returning from Sim State. Austin entered the military and was soon promoted to general, but his true goal of becoming Captain Hero still alluded him. Meanwhile, Alexis first entered the education track before switching to law, following her dream of reaching the top of that career. After Tranquility Acres' first New Year's party, Alexis gave birth to a daughter, Bethany.

Austin: It's about time!
What are you talking about?
Alexis: We were starting to think you forgot about us.
Forgot about you? Whatever do you mean?
Alexis: But you've been gone forever, it seems.
Um...Say, isn't it about time you got some new clothes?

I see you went with the town uniform...
Alexis: Do you have to interrupt?

I see Bethany's got a new outfit too.

Alexis: Come on, honey. Go potty like a big girl...

Alexis: Now say "Mama"...
Bethany: ...
I think you might be doing too much at one time, Alexis.

Number two on the way!
Alexis: I guess so.

Well, that's timely.

I guess that money must be helping out.
Austin: It certainly is! I think it's a good time for me to switch to law enforcement and go after my dream.

Wait, am I seeing things correctly? The nanny's actually feeding the toddler?

And now she's cleaning? What's gotten into her.

Happy birthday, dear Bethany...

Congratulations on becoming a beautiful little girl!
Bethany: Thanks.

I guess that birthday came just in time.
Alexis: Owww!

Bethany: Mommy, are you ok?
Austin: She's fine, honey...but your first day of school's about to get way more exciting.

Alexis: It's another girl.
I see you're taking after your parents. What's her name?
Alexis: Cassandra.
Has anyone guessed this theme yet?

Alexis: Here, you take her...I've got to get to work. It could happen today!
Austin: Good luck, honey!

First day of school picture!

And first day...of living picture!

Oh, so that's what you were talking about.
Alexis: Yup. I achieved my lifetime want of becoming "The law."
That's your job? Being "the law"?
Alexis: Yup!

Bethany: Mom, can you help me with my homework?
You know you're asking "the law" to help you?

You guys sure like spending time outdoors.

Meanwhile, inside...
Austin: I guess I should have waited a bit after feeding her...

Alexis: Did you throw up on Daddy?
Austin's two hour shower didn't clue you in?

Nice hat, Austin.
Austin: The law enforcement job hasn't been available, so I'm still a general.
I see.

Happy birthday, dear Cassandra...

And another blonde little girl. We needed some more blonde kids in this town.

Austin: Come on, come to Daddy...
Man, we've got "The Law" and a general living in one house. This could be fun.

Love the new hairstyle!

Um...I'm not even going to ask why the baby's talking about crystal balls.

Austin: Oomph...I love you too, honey...
Feeling a little disconnected, Alexis?

Bethany: Mysterious voice, look! I got an A+!
Great job. Too bad your parents aren't home to cheer for you.

Alexis: Say "bottle..."
Cassandra: Noooo!
Keep trying, Alexis!

I see you finally switched careers. Who are you calling?
Austin: Great. We'll see you then. Bye.
See who?

Oh, don't even tell me...

Austin: Meet Herbina, our new cat.
Austin: We were going to name her Herby, but she's a girl.
I see.

Alexis: I'm sure the girls will just love her.
She is quite cute.

Austin, are you sure you should be doing that?
Austin: Sure. Why not?
Just be careful...

I see you're putting your spare time to good use.
Austin: Hard to believe this happened with 4 garden plots and an apple tree.
Well, you did get a good start from your mom.

Bonding with Herbina?
Bethany: She's so cute!

Been working out?
Alexis: I sure have, and look what I've got to show for it.

She looks just like her mom, except...blonde.

And you two look just as cute now as you did as kids.
Austin: Thanks.

Hey, it down, you two!

Alexis: Cassandra grows up tonight, and then you'll be the same age.
And that adds yet another girl to the already unbalanced class of round 6...

I think before she grows up someone should teach her not to eat the cat food.

Or strangle the kitten.

Happy birthday dear Cassandra...again.

Just as pretty as your sister!

Austin: We're so proud of both of you girls!
Well, this brings us to the end of the week.

Let me just get a good picture of Cassandra before I go...
Cassandra: Bye, mysterious voice!
A Message From The Mysterious Voice: So, funny story...I kind of forgot about this house and passed by it in the playlist. Technically, I played through the houses after them, the college grads, and all but one of the new houses before I remembered. Their house is far away from the others near them on the list-it was easy to overlook. But, no harm in the end I guess. I also apparently left this house a day early last round, too. When I came back in it was Sunday morning.

Austin: It's about time!
What are you talking about?
Alexis: We were starting to think you forgot about us.
Forgot about you? Whatever do you mean?
Alexis: But you've been gone forever, it seems.
Um...Say, isn't it about time you got some new clothes?

I see you went with the town uniform...
Alexis: Do you have to interrupt?

I see Bethany's got a new outfit too.

Alexis: Come on, honey. Go potty like a big girl...

Alexis: Now say "Mama"...
Bethany: ...
I think you might be doing too much at one time, Alexis.

Number two on the way!
Alexis: I guess so.

Well, that's timely.

I guess that money must be helping out.
Austin: It certainly is! I think it's a good time for me to switch to law enforcement and go after my dream.

Wait, am I seeing things correctly? The nanny's actually feeding the toddler?

And now she's cleaning? What's gotten into her.

Happy birthday, dear Bethany...

Congratulations on becoming a beautiful little girl!
Bethany: Thanks.

I guess that birthday came just in time.
Alexis: Owww!

Bethany: Mommy, are you ok?
Austin: She's fine, honey...but your first day of school's about to get way more exciting.

Alexis: It's another girl.
I see you're taking after your parents. What's her name?
Alexis: Cassandra.
Has anyone guessed this theme yet?

Alexis: Here, you take her...I've got to get to work. It could happen today!
Austin: Good luck, honey!

First day of school picture!

And first day...of living picture!

Oh, so that's what you were talking about.
Alexis: Yup. I achieved my lifetime want of becoming "The law."
That's your job? Being "the law"?
Alexis: Yup!

Bethany: Mom, can you help me with my homework?
You know you're asking "the law" to help you?

You guys sure like spending time outdoors.

Meanwhile, inside...
Austin: I guess I should have waited a bit after feeding her...

Alexis: Did you throw up on Daddy?
Austin's two hour shower didn't clue you in?

Nice hat, Austin.
Austin: The law enforcement job hasn't been available, so I'm still a general.
I see.

Happy birthday, dear Cassandra...

And another blonde little girl. We needed some more blonde kids in this town.

Austin: Come on, come to Daddy...
Man, we've got "The Law" and a general living in one house. This could be fun.

Love the new hairstyle!

Um...I'm not even going to ask why the baby's talking about crystal balls.

Austin: Oomph...I love you too, honey...
Feeling a little disconnected, Alexis?

Bethany: Mysterious voice, look! I got an A+!
Great job. Too bad your parents aren't home to cheer for you.

Alexis: Say "bottle..."
Cassandra: Noooo!
Keep trying, Alexis!

I see you finally switched careers. Who are you calling?
Austin: Great. We'll see you then. Bye.
See who?

Oh, don't even tell me...

Austin: Meet Herbina, our new cat.
Austin: We were going to name her Herby, but she's a girl.
I see.

Alexis: I'm sure the girls will just love her.
She is quite cute.

Austin, are you sure you should be doing that?
Austin: Sure. Why not?
Just be careful...

I see you're putting your spare time to good use.
Austin: Hard to believe this happened with 4 garden plots and an apple tree.
Well, you did get a good start from your mom.

Bonding with Herbina?
Bethany: She's so cute!

Been working out?
Alexis: I sure have, and look what I've got to show for it.

She looks just like her mom, except...blonde.

And you two look just as cute now as you did as kids.
Austin: Thanks.

Hey, it down, you two!

Alexis: Cassandra grows up tonight, and then you'll be the same age.
And that adds yet another girl to the already unbalanced class of round 6...

I think before she grows up someone should teach her not to eat the cat food.

Or strangle the kitten.

Happy birthday dear Cassandra...again.

Just as pretty as your sister!

Austin: We're so proud of both of you girls!
Well, this brings us to the end of the week.

Let me just get a good picture of Cassandra before I go...
Cassandra: Bye, mysterious voice!
A Message From The Mysterious Voice: So, funny story...I kind of forgot about this house and passed by it in the playlist. Technically, I played through the houses after them, the college grads, and all but one of the new houses before I remembered. Their house is far away from the others near them on the list-it was easy to overlook. But, no harm in the end I guess. I also apparently left this house a day early last round, too. When I came back in it was Sunday morning.
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