Our next stop on our whirlwind tour of new houses belongs to the third of the Macguire children, Norbert, and adoptee Jennifer Leonard.

Hi, guys!
Jennifer: Hi, mysterious voice!
Norbert: You're just in time!
In time for what?

Another living-room wedding?
Norbert: There's no time for a real one. We both need to start work.

Um...I don't mean to interrupt the moment, but I think we're going to make time for you to get a new outfit, Norbert.

Much better.
Norbert: Why did you start making a sandwich? I'm cooking!
But you're only cooking for yourself. I never understand why you guys do that.

Interesting concept, Norbert.
Norbert: It's a masterpiece! I just know it!
Ok, if you say so.

Well, I can see you guys didn't skip the honeymoon.
Jennifer: Nope...

Norbert: Goodnight, honey...

That was fast...
Jennifer: You're...telling...me!

Jennifer: It's a boy!
Another boy...this is getting crazy.

What's his name?
Jennifer: We're calling him Ewan.

Jennifer: Oh. my...
Here we go...

Jennifer: It looks like we've got a girl too!
Looks like the twin spell is back!

So do you guys think you're ready for two babies at once?
Norbert: I guess we'll find out.

Jennifer: Will you stop talking about money? Those babies are driving me nuts!
Plus, she's getting eaten by the couch. Lighten up, Norbert!

Jennifer: Sure, Norbert. You keep painting-I'll feed the babies...
I'm sensing some resentment here...

Jennifer: Ugh! Norbert!
Yup, definite resentment.

Happy birthday twins!!!

Wow, he's actually quite cute.
Norbert: What does that mean?

And Nicole is a carbon copy of her mom. Great.
Jennifer: What are you saying?

Norbert: And the magic teddy bear said...
Glad to see you've taken on some child care duties, Norbert.

Jennifer: Say "Mama..."
Nicole: Mama!
Well, at least she's smart.

Jennifer: Say bear...
Ewan: Nooo!
Sorry I can't say the same about her brother.

Jennifer: Yawn...Good job, honey!
Yeah, don't get too excited about it or anything.

Jennifer: Phew! Done with diapers!
Again, don't get too excited.

Nicole: Story!
Jennifer: Norbert, can you go watch Ewan? Please?
Norbert: Sure.

Um, Norbert? Let's go over the meaning of the word "watch", shall we?

Moving on to walking?
Jennifer: Yup!

I think someone else wants your attention...
Jennifer: Norbert's supposed to be watching him! Where is he?

You know, I think this would be a good point to leave you guys for the week. Good luck with the twins, guys...or good luck Jennifer. Norbert doesn't seem to be having any problems at all.
A Message From the Mysterious Voice: I was actually happy to see these two have twins. Their house needed some shaking up. And Norbert is following in his older brother's footsteps with his wife.

Hi, guys!
Jennifer: Hi, mysterious voice!
Norbert: You're just in time!
In time for what?

Another living-room wedding?
Norbert: There's no time for a real one. We both need to start work.

Um...I don't mean to interrupt the moment, but I think we're going to make time for you to get a new outfit, Norbert.

Much better.
Norbert: Why did you start making a sandwich? I'm cooking!
But you're only cooking for yourself. I never understand why you guys do that.

Interesting concept, Norbert.
Norbert: It's a masterpiece! I just know it!
Ok, if you say so.

Well, I can see you guys didn't skip the honeymoon.
Jennifer: Nope...

Norbert: Goodnight, honey...

That was fast...
Jennifer: You're...telling...me!

Jennifer: It's a boy!
Another boy...this is getting crazy.

What's his name?
Jennifer: We're calling him Ewan.

Jennifer: Oh. my...
Here we go...

Jennifer: It looks like we've got a girl too!
Looks like the twin spell is back!

So do you guys think you're ready for two babies at once?
Norbert: I guess we'll find out.

Jennifer: Will you stop talking about money? Those babies are driving me nuts!
Plus, she's getting eaten by the couch. Lighten up, Norbert!

Jennifer: Sure, Norbert. You keep painting-I'll feed the babies...
I'm sensing some resentment here...

Jennifer: Ugh! Norbert!
Yup, definite resentment.

Happy birthday twins!!!

Wow, he's actually quite cute.
Norbert: What does that mean?

And Nicole is a carbon copy of her mom. Great.
Jennifer: What are you saying?

Norbert: And the magic teddy bear said...
Glad to see you've taken on some child care duties, Norbert.

Jennifer: Say "Mama..."
Nicole: Mama!
Well, at least she's smart.

Jennifer: Say bear...
Ewan: Nooo!
Sorry I can't say the same about her brother.

Jennifer: Yawn...Good job, honey!
Yeah, don't get too excited about it or anything.

Jennifer: Phew! Done with diapers!
Again, don't get too excited.

Nicole: Story!
Jennifer: Norbert, can you go watch Ewan? Please?
Norbert: Sure.

Um, Norbert? Let's go over the meaning of the word "watch", shall we?

Moving on to walking?
Jennifer: Yup!

I think someone else wants your attention...
Jennifer: Norbert's supposed to be watching him! Where is he?

You know, I think this would be a good point to leave you guys for the week. Good luck with the twins, guys...or good luck Jennifer. Norbert doesn't seem to be having any problems at all.
A Message From the Mysterious Voice: I was actually happy to see these two have twins. Their house needed some shaking up. And Norbert is following in his older brother's footsteps with his wife.
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